Tips for Staying Active with a Brain Injury

Tips for Staying Active with a Brain Injury

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In the United States, around 1.7 million people suffer a traumatic brain injury. These injuries can range from mild concussions to more severe traumatic brain injuries, and they can have a significant impact on a person’s life. One of the biggest challenges for those with brain injuries is staying physically active. However, research shows that incorporating physical activity into daily routines can benefit individuals with brain injuries.

In this blog, you can explore ways to maintain an active lifestyle while navigating the challenges of a brain injury. Discover simple yet effective strategies to engage in physical activities, enhance cognitive function, and promote overall well-being. From adapted exercises to mindfulness techniques, we will provide practical tips to empower individuals with brain injuries to live life fully. 

Let’s stay active and thrive together!

Can a person with a brain injury live an everyday life?

The extent to which a person with a brain injury can live a “normal” life varies greatly depending on the severity and type of injury, as well as individual factors like access to resources and support systems. Some individuals with mild brain injuries may fully recover and resume normal activities. 

In contrast, others with more severe injuries may face long-term challenges in mobility, cognition, and emotional well-being. Rehabilitation, therapy, adaptive strategies, and support from healthcare professionals, family, and friends can significantly improve outcomes and help individuals with brain injuries lead fulfilling lives despite their challenges.

Importance of Staying Active for Overall Well-being

Staying active during a brain injury is essential for keeping your whole self feeling good. Here’s why:

  • Physical Health

Moving your body helps to keep your muscles strong and your heart healthy. Regular physical activity can improve cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and endurance. It can also help manage weight, reduce the risk of secondary health issues, and enhance overall physical function, balance, and coordination, which might be affected by your injury.

  • Mental Health

Being active releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel happy and less stressed. It can also help you sleep better, which is crucial for healing your brain. Staying active enhances your mental well-being and supports your brain’s overall health. From boosting mood to alleviating anxiety, staying active extends beyond the physical realm, nurturing a positive mindset and resilience in life’s challenges. Prioritizing exercise is a powerful strategy for cultivating mental health and holistic well-being.

  • Social Connection

Participating in group exercise or recreational activities can provide opportunities for social interaction and community engagement. This can combat feelings of isolation and promote a sense of belonging, essential for mental health and well-being.

  • Cognitive Function

Exercise has been shown to promote neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize and form new neural connections. This can aid in cognitive rehabilitation and recovery of mental functions such as memory, attention, and executive functioning.

Tips for Staying Active with a Brain Injury

Brain injuries are life-changing events that can affect people differently. Some may experience physical limitations, while others may face cognitive challenges. Regardless of the type of brain injury, staying active is crucial for overall health and well-being. 

Here are some tips for staying active with a brain injury and how it can benefit the mind and body.

  1. Start with low-impact activities

After a brain injury, physical activities that were once easy may now feel more challenging. Therefore, starting with low-impact exercises that are gentle on the body is essential. Walking, swimming, and yoga are significant options that can help improve flexibility, strength, and balance without putting too much strain on the body.

  1. Engage in cognitive activities

Staying active doesn’t always have to involve physical exercise; engaging in cognitive activities is equally important. Brain teasers, puzzles, crosswords, and other mental exercises help keep the mind active and sharp. They can also aid in memory retention and cognitive function. These activities can be done alone or with a friend or family member, making them enjoyable and socially engaging.

  1. Set achievable goals

It can be challenging to stay motivated when living with a brain injury. Setting achievable goals can help you stay focused and motivated. These goals should be tailored to your abilities; the key is to start small. For example, walking for 10 minutes daily may seem simple, but it can significantly impact your fitness levels. Celebrate and acknowledge your progress, no matter how small it may seem.

  1. Incorporate balance and coordination exercises

Balance and coordination are crucial components of staying active with a brain injury. These exercises can help improve balance, stability, and coordination, which are essential for everyday activities. Simple exercises such as standing on one leg, walking heel-to-toe, or practicing yoga poses like the tree pose can make a massive difference in maintaining balance and coordination.

  1. Consider adaptive sports and activities

For those who have sustained more severe brain injuries, participating in adaptive sports and activities can be a great way to stay active. These sports and activities are modified to accommodate various disabilities and can help individuals build strength, coordination, and social connections. Some examples of adaptive sports include wheelchair basketball, seated volleyball, and adaptive yoga classes, depending on individual abilities.

  1. Remember to rest and listen to your body

While staying active is essential, resting and allowing your body to recover is equally crucial. Listening to your body and not pushing yourself beyond your limits is vital. If you experience discomfort or pain, take a break and speak to your healthcare professional before resuming any activities. Rest and recovery are also essential to maintaining a healthy mind and body.

Why is it Important to Create a Supportive Environment?

Creating a supportive environment for someone with a brain injury is essential. It means making sure they feel safe, understood, and valued. One way to do this is by being patient and listening carefully to what they need. It’s also helpful to break tasks into smaller steps and offer encouragement. Being flexible and adapting to their needs can make a big difference. 

Providing opportunities to participate in activities they enjoy can boost their morale and sense of belonging. Creating a supportive environment involves showing empathy, understanding, and kindness towards someone struggling due to their brain injury.

Stay Active with Progressions Rehab. Get Help Now!

Discover renewed hope and progress in your journey toward recovery with Progressions Rehab. Our dedicated team specializes in neuro rehabilitation in Michigan, offering personalized care to help you thrive. Whether you’re searching for assisted living services for brain injury or seeking support in a group home setting, we’re here for you.

Find your nearest traumatic brain injury group homes near me and embark on your journey with Progressions Rehab. Experience compassionate care and tailored programs designed to keep you active and engaged. Explore how our group homes for spinal cord injury can empower your journey. 

Take the next step toward recovery today! Visit Us Now!


The material on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.


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